Learning Blocks
JS TweenMax course:
1 - intro corso + html/css basic + your profile page
2 - SVG basic + draw a face, draw a home
3 - intro gsap basic + face transition + devtool
3 - draw a grid
4 - ripasso gsap/devtool, function, jquery, click, random (grid interactive)
5 - AI export (casa: face interactive with AI)
6 - variabile (shared var + es using easing) incremento (rotation), color tool, mover (left/right, up/down, scale, (sostituire circle with ship) speed, color based on speed), (casa faccia configurabile elemento animato)
7 - breve ripasso variabili, condizioni:(es: pallina controllata, move and rewind, pannello toggle)
8 - svgdraw + svgmorph + svgpath
9 - audio + netlify
10 - brief
--- TIPS for next IED esame
- size of the SVG matter!!! pay attention
- fonts! how to solve
- delivery: zip file of the pen in drive folder
- Page of Codepen where to grab the Premium plugin of TweenMax to try them out
Lesson 1 (intro, tools&libs)
Outline course
Precedenti corsi progr? Illustr/Figma? dopo .. Codepen account?
Reason why code for designer and prototype
Sketch mode (explanation, demostration, demo)
Goal of the course (understanding programming potential in creative context)
Tools overview (Codepen, Repl.it)
Technologies we're going to use
- SVG, HTML, CSS selection
- TweenMax, jQuery
- Adobe Illustration / Figma
- Programming paradigms: variable, functions, condition, loop
HTML first general explanation
- HTML tags -> content structure
- CSS props style first (color, back, font, size, padding)
Make a basic personal-info web page on codepen
Lesson 2 (animation the basics)
- appello, note su homework, ask for esercizi + chrome
- Refresh HTML basics and CSS selection
- SVG tag
- The coordinate system, the rect element with property
- Exercise:
- make a grid of rects
- SVG elements (rect, circle, line, g, polygon, text, image)
- Comments on different languages
- Exercise:
- Make a face with the primitive shapes (circle, rect, lines, polygon)
- Intro to DevTool for debugging purposes
- ??Homework: Make a House in SVG with Basic shapes
- TweenMax basics (to,from,x,y,scale,rotation,delay,origin,ease)
- Exercise:
- That face make transition-in
- Homework:
- Animate the face
- Make a House in SVG with Basic shapes
Lesson 3 (interaction the basics)
- Recap gsap, to/from
- What is a Function
- jQuery for basic click interactions
- Exercise:
- Little graphic composition explorable tool, 4 shapes, 4 btn, + reset
- The face now can goes out upon click
- What is Random
- Explore further events (mouseenter, mouseleave)
- Exercise:
- The face now can be manipulate with the mouse using the random generator for each element
- What is a Variable
- The THIS special variable in mouse events
- Exercise:
- The face now can be manipulate with all the mouse events exploiting the THIS variable
Lesson 4 (more transitions/interactions)
- The viewBox attribute
- The stagger feature and the Set
- Exercise:
- Make a grid of elements that enter in with from
- Make the same grid that enter on click
- Use the THIS mouse event to manipulate elements
- Use a numeric variable
- Exercise:
- incrementing a number: make element bigger on clicks
- increm / decrem same number
Lesson 5 (Illustrator as asset editor)
- Prepare a file in Adobe Illustrator
- Export options
- Copy/Paste the SVG code
- Exercise:
- make a grid in AI e staggerIn the elements
- make them interactive
- Loading the SVG with JS
- The find() function to subselect elements
- Exercise:
- make a row of complex elements, staggerIn, make them interactive, use THIS to manipulate with Random
Lesson 6 (UI)
- UI exploration with the same techniques (modal, offcanvas, tabs, slider)
- Exercise:
- make a modal + offcanvas
- Load and play an Audio file, TweenMax fo volume
- Exercise:
- make a modal to allow the user choose 3 audio sample
Clock exercise? Pattern? Grid loop
loop graphic composition
Exercise: generative logo, btn to change them random, orLesson 7 (more logic)
- What is a Condition
- The boolean value and the offcanvas
- Exercise:
- make two off panel (up and down)
- The clone function
- Exercise:
- make a panel to generate from 3 elements
- Text&Fonts
Lesson 8 (more goodies)
- Draw, Morph and Follow
- Exercise:
- Make a two selector, draw and morph by click
- Make cloned elements following a path (baloons)
Lesson 9x
- What is a State
- Set a state variable to any element (data() + THIS)
- Masking
- Callback functions
- Dynamic text
- The Date object
- Repeat & Yoyo
- TweenMax Drag
- Mousemove event and coordinate conversion
Lesson x
- saving and loading data in the cloud