How to fix the permalink with markdown with filename with date in eleventy 11ty

Posted on September 15, 2024

To fix the permalink structure in Eleventy (11ty) to include the date in the filename while using Markdown, you can modify the permalink in the front matter with the following code:

permalink: "/{{ page.filePathStem }}/"

This ensures that the permalink will follow the folder structure based on the date and filename, as the filePathStem variable contains the file's path without the extension, which can include the date if structured properly.

Make sure your file names include the date in the desired format, like Eleventy will then use this pattern to generate the permalink, helping maintain consistency in your URLs without manually specifying each one.

For example, with a file named, the permalink would generate as /my-post/. This approach ensures Eleventy dynamically handles your URL structure based on your file names.