How to use Gsap with DOM element of P5js

Posted on November 14, 2021

If you need to integrate GSAP with P5.js, I've already written something about it.

If you need to trigger a GSAP animation using P5.js DOM elements, you need to workaround a bit to make it to work properly.

For instance, this simple script, that triggers a GSAP animation from a DOM P5.js element, doesn't work:

var x = 0
var y = 0
var btn

function setup(){
    btn = createButton('click')

function draw(){
  circle(x, y, 50)

function animate(){, {x:100, y:100})

The reason is that the this variable has a different context when called using a DOM element.

To workaround it, just keep the this context of the sketch in a custom variable, such as:

/* ... */
var sketch = this

/* ... */

function animate(){, {x:100, y:100})

Now you can create your UI element that can drive any GSAP animations without issues.