Local communication between browser tabs

Posted on July 19, 2020

Making a communication channel in javascript between two or more browser windows is a breeze.

Here the snippets.

Make sure to have two HTML documents, served both from a local webserver, let's say a sender.html and a receiver.html (you can make a two-ways communication with the same code, though).

The receiver needs this code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
            const bus = new BroadcastChannel('mybus')
            bus.onmessage = e => {
              // will print {msg: 'Postcard from the Sender'}

and the sender this one:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <button onclick="send()">Send message</button>
        const bus = new BroadcastChannel('mybus')

        function send(){
            bus.postMessage({msg: 'Postcard from the Sender'})

The channel name is key to make it work.